Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Meet Daisy Mae Bell. :)

Hi, My name is Augusta and I live vicariously through my art… :D
If I can't own a cow I can paint one!
Call me crazy, but I've always wanted to own a milk cow. Unfortunately I don't see it happening in the foreseeable future… until then you may be seeing a lot of cows on here. :)

In the works... 

 And finished!  Recently my mom bought me a few new hand rolled pastels… oh boy are those nice! and vibrant! thats the red you see in this piece.  I will definitely be getting more of those :)
It's amazing how much smoother they are too, may have a new obsession… other than the cows. ;)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

An art afternoon. :)

I so enjoyed a much needed day of "art relaxation" ;) Ive been pretty busy lately and unable to find the time to put pastel to board.  Thankful for the chance this afternoon! 

 A little glimpse of the process courtesy of my mother. :)

This is an idea I've had for a while, I'm pretty happy with how it came out. It was a good learning experience, I tried a couple things I hadn't before. always fun :)

Because who doesn't like old fashioned water mills. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Letting go…

After recently attempting to do a rooster (something I've never been able to achieve…) and after frustratingly putting my attempt in the burn pile… I have officially declared myself rooster inept. :) 

Sometimes being an artist means persevering in something til its just right…other times it means letting go and discovering your own style and your own loves. 

Some of my favorite things to paint are simple things, everyday things.  Simple moments that are many times forgotten in the business of this modern and technologically advanced age.  

Of course simple doesn't mean boring ;) 

 I think the world needs more purple in it :)

 This verse came to mind the other day so I decided to try something a bit different than what I usually do. :)